Small errors can hold up your income tax refund for weeks or even months. And in some cases, a small error including a seemingly innocent typographical error could even result in a letter from the IRS or even an audit.
What’s one of these innocent bloopers that can cause so much trouble? How about an error in a Social Security number!
An error in a Social Security number which is usually used as a Taxpayer Identification Number can lead to a denial of tax credits such as the Child Tax Credit.
Be especially careful if you’re divorced because the IRS will check to see if both parents are claiming the same child. If you do everything will come to a halt while the IRS sorts it out.
If you have a baby get that child’s Social Security number right away. You’ll need it!
And if you’re missing a Social Security number or if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are fighting over custody of a child and tax breaks file for an extension rather than include incorrect Social Security number information.
Remember to always consult with a tax professional. And if you have any tax issues or problems Legal Tax Defense will give you a free consultation. Call now to discuss unfiled returns, garnishments, audits, and notices from the IRS with a tax attorney.
Disclaimer: Alan Mendelson is a well-known TV consumer news reporter who reports on tax issues. You should seek professional advice if you have tax questions or issues.